
Showing posts from February, 2023

Application Letter

  Application letter Sebelumnya perkenalkan nama saya Indra Setiawan A.F, saya siswa SMK N 4 Semarang jurusan Elektronika, pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan menjelaskan tentang surat lamaran.  Let's see...     I.      Definition      Job application letter or also called a job application letter is the main requirement in applying for a job.   In writing a job application letter, we should pay attention to the structure of the cover letter and also some of the things that are required by the company.   If the application letter is made properly and correctly and meets the requirements given by the company we are going to, then usually this can be a consideration for someone to be accepted or called to take the next test.    II.      Goal The purpose of this letter is to apply for a job in a certain position in a company.   With this job application letter, companies can also assess...


  Curriculum Vitae (CV) Halo, perkenalkan nama saya Indra Setiawan Al Furqon. Saya adalah siswa SMKN 4 Semarang dari jurusan Teknik Audio Video. Dalam kesempatan kali ini saya ingin membagikan ilmu tentang bagaimana cara membuat Curriculum Vitae (CV) dengan dengan baik. Jadi, salah satu dokumen yang penting untuk melamar pekerjaan adalah Curriculum Vitae (CV). CV ini bisa dibilang riwayat hidup gitu. Ini penjelasan lebih lanjut tenang Curriculum Vitae, Lets see...         I. Definition Ø CV or Resume is a document that briefly explains who you are, what achievements you have made in the past, how relevant your experience is to the job position you are applying for, and whether or not you are the right person to be chosen among other candidates. Ø Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume is a picture of yourself. A CV is the first thing that companies see from an applicant when applying for a job. The existence of a CV is very crucial because it is through the CV...

Job Interview

Halo, perkenalkan nama saya Indra Setiawan Al Furqon. Saya adalah siswa SMKN 4 Semarang dari jurusan Teknik Audio Video. Dalam kesempatan kali ini saya ingin membagikan ilmu tentang bagaimana cara membuat Job Interview dengan dengan baik. Lets see..... English Question Job Interview I.      Definition Job interviews are the main step in the recruitment and selection process for prospective employees in both government and private institutions. The person giving the question is called the interviewer, and the recipient of the question is known as the resource person. Interviews can be conducted in any situation, including one in terms of recruiting new employees. II.      Expressions/sentences   1. Good morning/afternoon. My name is ______ and I want to thank you for this opportunity. 2. Hello! My name is _______ and I'm happy to be here. 3. Good morning/afternoon. I am _______ and I want to thank you for considering me for this position. 4. H...

Pengalaman Prakerin di Samsung

           Assalamualaikum wr. wb.             Hallo Teman-teman ✌✌             Disini, Saya ditugas akan menceritakan pengalaman magang di Samsung Semarang.  Selamat Membaca 👀     On The Job Training In Samsung In January, I did an internship at the Samsung Service Center which is located in Lamper  where the four of me did my internship with friends named Syarif, Diaz, Rafli, and myself Indra where the internship was engaged in household electronics services, such as TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, and refrigerator. Together with four friends in the internship, we travelled for 6 months from January 3 to June 31, when for the first time there we saw a lot of people's electronics being serviced at the office. In the office there is a component storage room, a prayer room, and a meeting place. In mid-February there was a transfer to a larger office located on St...